Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Stuck On Lesson 7 (TotalBeginner)


I followed lessons along the way til I got stuck in Lesson 7. I get different errors on my own eclipse vs the errors shown in the video. Thus, my eclipse doesn't give me the same options for quickfix as the video shows. I created the Book.Java class manually just as my attempt to follow the tutorial. But when I run a test, I still get errors/failure, even though my codes are the same as shown on the video.

Hopefully, you can advise what went wrong and how I might be able to fix this.

Thanks for all your vids! Til Lesson 7, I've been able to follow. Can't say that I actually comprehend fully...but I'm trying ;)

This is the available quick fix in my Eclipse:

This screenshot shows my Eclipse (left) vs the video (right) showing the different errors (Failure Trace):

This is the quick fix shown on the Lesson 7 video tutorial:

My Book class:

My showing JUnit Test: